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Low Carb Cheesy Egg Breakfast Taco - Mr. Tortilla Store

Low Carb Cheesy Egg Breakfast Taco




  1. Split the shredded cheese and place in two small piles on a heated non-stick frying pan.
  2. Let the cheese cook at a medium heat until it starts bubbling for a few seconds.
  3. Once cheese starts bubbling, place a 1 tortilla on top of each section of cheese.
  4. Let cook for another 1-2 min on medium heat.
  5. Using a spatula carefully remove tortillas with crispy cheese attached from the pan and place on a plate.
  6. Add 2 eggs to the pan and cook to your liking.
  7. Once eggs are cooked add them on top of your crispy cheesy tortilla.
  8. Add Mr. Tortilla Creamy Jalapeño Sauce, cilantro and a dollop of nonfat greek yogurt ( for a little extra protein!!)
  9. Garnish with Cilantro